Letter to Parents and Carers Regarding Our Ofsted Report 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,


I am delighted to enclose a copy of our recent Ofsted report, following the inspection of the school on 7th and 8th February 2023.  You will see that the school has been rated as 'Good' across all areas of inspection.  We are extremely proud of this inspection outcome, especially given the changes the school has been through over the past 5 years and not least that it has come through a pandemic in that time.  

 The school was last inspected in 2013, on a now outdated inspection framework.  The new inspection framework includes far more challenging 'Outstanding' criteria and this has resulted in more than 80% of previously 'Outstanding' schools being rated as less than 'Outstanding' when reinspected, with some 20% of previously 'Outstanding' schools receiving judgments that are less than 'Good'.  You can learn more about this here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-65013919

 I am particularly pleased that Ofsted recognised the following strengths of our school:

 ·         Leaders and staff have revised the curriculum to ensure that pupils build a strong understanding of a range of subjects.  It is an ambitious curriculum.
·         Reading is at the heart of the Holyrood curriculum.  Pupils read regularly for enjoyment during the day.
·         Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.
·         Leaders deal with any instances of poor behaviour well.
·         Pupils state that bullying is not an issue at the school and that staff resolve issues when they occur.
·         Pupils and staff have positive relationships.
·         Pupils have a breadth of options to develop their wider interests.
·         Pupils, including students in the sixth form, receive appropriate careers guidance.  They are well informed about their choices and how to enter the world of work, apprenticeships and further education.
·         Pupils gain leadership skills through their roles as prefects.  Students in the sixth form have many opportunities to lead.
·         Leaders have strengthened the support available for pupils.  For example, pupils who experience mental health difficulties can access help readily and effectively.
·         Leaders have increased the capacity of the safeguarding team to ensure that pupils receive timely and appropriate support.
·         Staff are overwhelmingly proud to work at the school.  Early career teachers feel well supported.
·         Leaders ensure the physical and emotional safety of pupils, including students in the sixth form.
·         Students in the sixth form receive strong support for applying to university.
·         Sixth form students are very proud of their school and value the quality of education they receive.  They have many opportunities to extend their learning through trips to universities and welcoming visitors from the world of work.

It was extremely useful to receive some feedback to inform our ongoing improvement and we will be working hard on the following areas:

·         Our provision for all children with SEND and especially for those who are finding school hardest.
·         Our communication and engagement with parents and carers, so that everyone in our community understands the good work going on at Holyrood and has their viewpoint heard.

I would like to thank you once again for your support over the past 3 and a half years and you have my ongoing commitment that Holyrood will continue to improve so that it is the best it can possibly be for all children and their families.

I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss the Ofsted report or any other aspect of our school at one of the following events.  If you would like to attend, please contact my PA, Linda Driscoll, at ldriscoll@holyrood.uat.ac 

 Tuesday 25th April at 12:30
Tuesday 25th April at 18:00
Wednesday 26th April at 15:30
Friday 28th April at 10:00


Yours Faithfully,

Dave MacCormick


Chard and Ilminster News - Holyrood Academy celebrates latest Ofsted inspection