Compliments or Complaints

Complaints Procedure

The Academy has a wide range of staff available to help students and parents with any issues they may have.


Your child's Tutor should be contacted in the first instance. They can help you with routine issues and general concerns. Email or phone on 01460 260100 to request an appointment, giving at least 24 hours notice.

Heads of Year

If you have an issue regarding learning, achievement, academic progress or student behaviour, please contact your child's Year Leader.

Wellbeing Team

The Wellbeing Team are best contacted for issues regarding mental health, wellbeing or personal support. They can be reached by contacting Mrs Herfet, Mrs Dalton or Mrs Roberts.

Issues regarding school attendance should be discussed with Mrs Jolly, Attendance Officer

Curriculum Team Leader

Curriculum Leaders should be contacted if you have specific subject information or homework concerns.

SEND Staff

There are Learning Support staff who are there to support students with additional learning needs. Mrs Wilson or Mrs Watson can be contacted by emailing the Academy on or telephone 01460 260100.

Senior Staff

The Leadership Team, Headteacher or CEO should be contacted for issues not resolved satisfactorily after all other channels have been followed. Email the Academy on or phone on 01460 260100 to request an appointment, giving at least 24 hours notice.

Complaints Policy

In addition, you can find our Trust Complaints Policy Here.